Fun Stuff
This is just a space for fun 'kin community-related activities that I've done.
Filled out September 16th, 2022.
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Personal thoughts: Some of the questions are worded in a confusing way and what feels like bad taste but this was also made about 24 years ago, so... Also, warning for mentions of NSFW on the linked page.
Started April 2023, finished January 2024.
Note: I struggled. A lot of the “favorites” are quite arbitrary because of my poor memory.
Were Name: I go by many aliases. On this site, I am Whisker.
Phenotype: Domestic cat.
Shifting Ability: Phantom, occasionally mental.
Birthdate: A January of some year.
Birthplace: A peninsula somewhere.
Home Territory: A nearby sprawling park with a botanical garden, overgrown fields, and a lake with a variety of waterfowl.
Dream Territory: Honestly, pretty much my home territory but with no humans spooking me. I’d also like a dark den full of blankets, large enough for me to actually comfortably fit in it.
Physical Description, Body: All you’re getting is that I’m 5’3” / 160 cm like a pipsqueak.
Physical Description, Were: Small black domestic cat with shorter fur and amber eyes.
Hobbies/Interests: Writing, drawing, singing, translating. Game-wise, largely Pokemon, Digimon, Minecraft.
Favorite Movies: Pokemon Movie 3: Spell of the Unown.
Favorite Were Movie: The Legend of Hei.
Favorite Literature: Time Cat, by Lloyd Alexander.
Favorite Were Literature: The Cat and the Moon, by W. B. Yeats.
Favorite Art: The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh.
Favorite Were Art: Tiger in a Tropical Storm, Henri Rousseau.
Favorite Quote: “Introducing a new alignment - chaotic lawful. I have a strict moral code but nobody can figure out what the hell it is.” —Twitter user leafcrunch
Favorite Were Saying/Quote: “I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” —Mewtwo, Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back
Favorite Personal Quote: “No matter how you view the glass, there’s still the same amount of water in it.”
Favorite Song/Band(s): Fixer by Nulut. I also like Set It Off and The Hush Sound.
Favorite Season: Autumn. I like crunchy leaves and chillier weather.
Favorite Holidays: Halloween. I am a very stereotypical black cat, in this sense. But I appreciate that this day allows for beasts to shrug off their human skins and roam as themselves.
Preferred Prey: Something that doesn’t take too much energy. Salted fish is also nice.
Hunting Tips: Don’t tread on sticks. Learn your surroundings. Keep your ears pricked.
Preferred Method of Attack: Teeth and claws.
Favorite Non-Were Mythological Beast: Probably dragons. Maybe also bakeneko/nekomata, since I feel a kinship with them.
Feelings Toward Vampires: Don’t care. They’re trying their best, too.
Feelings Toward Normal Humans: Heavily unfond. There are many parts of how humans are that I find untrustworthy.
Personal Therianthropy:
You could consider me a fairly typical therian, following a common narrative seen in the community. Throughout elementary school, we saw ourselves as a cat; when learning the word “otherkin” in middle school, it was obvious that it described us. (If you bring in system shenanigans, of course, it becomes a tad more complex, but this narrative works well enough.) Thus, we had no official or easily-distinguishable awakening, compared to just understanding our nature as that of a cat.
My therianthropy is something obvious in my life. I am a cat with every breath I breathe; I am always at least partially phantom shifted, always feeling at least my ears and tail if not my muzzle and paws, and my feline nature tends to mix in with my other kintypes. My physical mannerisms tend to unintentionally reflect the presence of my phantoms; I lower my head slightly when my ears flatten, hunch my shoulders when my fur feels fluffed up, and end up moving my mouth when twitching my whiskers.
With this effect being a cat has on how I see my body, I am also quite clumsy. While cats are stereotypically quite elegant and graceful... I have seen enough physical cats make absolute fools of themselves to know my clumsiness isn’t quite unusual for my species, haha. I tend to misjudge the distance between my body and where it should be, was I a physical cat, and this leads to often bumping into things.
I do not know what made me this way. While I used to fuss more over matters of origin, especially because I have memories of my past house and owner, I ultimately have given up on deciding whether being a cat could be considered a matter of a past life, soul, or just how my brain has ended up interpreting the life I live. It changes nothing; regardless of what I decide, the experiences that affect my daily life remain the same. That is why being a cat, and a therian in general, is so important to me, as a core part of how I exist and function.
I am demonic ★
LINKED ! Yuno Gasai