Musings on Intercat Relationships - initially posted on Discord
- November 2nd, 2021

"Casually looks up things like 'how long does it take for cats to get used to new cats' but it's actually about myself and our cat.
Part of me still sees her like an invasive houseguest who came in and took over my territory. It's very different from my siblings, the cats I grew up with. She's new and I'm still not used to her. She's been here for about 9 months."
"I'm good with meeting others' cats, I can usually interact very well with them for short periods of time (and that's related more to the stress of being at others' houses, not being with the cat), it's just that she's in my house... acting like she owns the place... which is catbrain talking because it's not my house and for all she knows she does own the place."

Coming back to this in March 2024 because of a similar situation.

At this point, our original cat feels like part of my group; she still irritates me sometimes, but feels aligned with those who I am supposed to protect. I will shield her when she is distressed and rub my face against her just as she does me. However, another cat has recently come into the house. While I try to spend time with her as well and be responsible, being around her makes me feel uneasy and tense. My sibling coos that she's adorable, but I can't see it. I like cats, but just as in 2021, my catbrain bristles with annoyance that some other creature is where my house is supposed to be. I am unsure how long it will take me to accept the newcomer, since I only warmed up to the first one after about a year.